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Enrichment in Weibo

MCC Catherine Ng in Weibo

MCC Catherine Ng in Channels

Enrichment in Channels

Life has no boundaries
Author: Catherine Ng
Publishing press: Wuhan university press, 2012 first edition
Life has no boundaries: the life experience of a leadership coach abstract’: the length of life is determined by nature, and the boundaries of life are set by ourselves.The author has been engaged in leadership training and corporate coaching for a long time and has rich experience in the field of management for more than 10 years.In countless cases, she was acutely aware of the limits of ‘boundaries’ in life, and saw the inability of people to act within their own boundaries.But the joy of so many successes convinced her believe that if the inner boundaries were broken, the breadth and range of life would be extended and new possibilities would be created.

Addition and Subtraction
Authors: Jin boyang, Catherine Ng
Publishing press: Beijing: Commercial press, 2nd edition, 2015
This is an original book that inspires the power of self and others, and makes everyone become resource.
Each of us, whether in our own life or in a team, basically has two representations: adding or subtracting.Addition makes people more powerful and helps people achieve their goals. Subtraction makes people become problems and prevents people from achieving their goals.
Between addition and subtraction, there is a lot of hidden energy and obstacles, hidden a lot of management tricks.For example, what looks like addition is actually subtraction;For example, many people think they are solving problems for their team, but in fact, their way of solving problems is the biggest problem.

Conversation in life
Author: Catherine Ng, coach of love
Publishing press: Wuhan university press, first edition, 2015
The most interesing point of ‘Conversation in life: making the life between come and go more wonderful’ is to gain our own power from the power of others through the similar experience of others or the narration of the human nature and emotion. Under the guidance of such a life wisdom course, the narrators put down their psychological vigilance and opened their hearts, turning the hidden pain of life into the words poured out by the author. No matter the death of relatives or lovers, it turned into the power of life growth and warmed people’s hearts.

The golden words of life CARDs

Golden words CARDs for coaches

Coaching toolkit
This toolkit included 84 Emotion cards, 62 Stationary cards (attached with the card process guide), original theory, interference sources, coach perception subtraction methods, 16 addition and subtraction distinctions, enneagram of personality traits, effective and ineffective coaching